Tuesday 8 September 2009

Wives - a misunderstood bunch?

Angelina J told Brad P, either get off drugs or get out of the house. She made it very clear that she didn’t want drugs anywhere near their kids and she said that this was an issue where there weren’t any other options open to him if he wanted their relationship to continue.

It always seems that it's the women who wear the pants in the family now. She makes the decision on household issues, she makes the decision on finances, she makes the decision of her husband's life. As I said earlier, it SEEMS. This was the impression I had too. Afterall, there have been so many stories about daughter in law's run ins with mother in law.

Since I became a wife, I slowly learnt that all these are just fallacies. I have found myself caught in many situations where people misunderstand that I am the one behind each & every action that the man executes. Sadly enough, people never realise that husbands themselves are adults. They have the capacities and the capabilities to make up their own minds. Unfortunately, men being men, tend to be daft, complacent and bo chap. I never once wanted to interfere but somehow I tend to get myself entangled in situations like this:

Salesperson: Sir, would you like to buy our latest product?

Man: Wait ar, I must ask my wife.

Wife: You decide la

Man: I don't know, you help me decide.

Wife (exasperated): You know yourself best, you decide for yourself

Man (who still doesn't get the hint): No la, I can't decide. You help me.

Salesperson: Mdm, let Sir buy


Things have not gotten any better since I became a Mom. Not only does it SEEM that I run my husband's life, but I also run my kid's life. True, the kid can't make decisions on her own but the kid belongs to 2 people so decisions are co-shared.

At times like these, I empathize with Angelina J. I'm sure many people out there think she controls her husband but being in similar shoes, I know that more often than not, we are being coerced into corners which leave us with no other choices but to make the judgment call.

1 comment:

BeBe said...

Totally agreed!!!!