Monday 7 September 2009

命中注定我愛你 ...

It's been a long time since I enjoyed a Taiwanese drama.

Anyhow I'm glad I chanced upon this drama one night. What probably struck a chord is me was the episode when 纪存希 came back home late one night and completed the wooden rocking horse that 陈欣怡 was putting together for her unborn baby. It was a simple gesture but yet so touching. Perhaps it's easier for me to relate to it, given that it was not too long ago that I was preparing items in anticipation of JD's arrival.

In this show, the baby never came. How it was lost, I don't know. I missed a couple of episodes and haven't had the time to visit Crunchy Roll.

2 years later, this horse was re-created by the mom, this time round, in the form of a sculpture. It was a belated gift which re-united the unborn baby's parents.

A simple theme and clever use of props, direct, straight to the point but yet so meaningful. I appreciate dramas like these.

1 comment:

BeBe said...

I have this show... can lend u.. it's nice.