Thursday 4 February 2010

Medicine with Ice Cream :)

JD has been coughing for about 3 weeks, started out both day and night and now she only coughs at night. After 2 visits to the GP who managed to cure her persistent day cough, I finally went back to Dr Cheng who diagnosed her as sensitive nose aka mild asthma.

Amongst the new set of medication prescribed was this called Singulair Granules. And because this powder medicine is to be taken with cold food, yoghurt or ice cream recommended, feeding JD medicine has never been this easy! Even Dw was annoyed when I wanted to take over this task from him. It is not easy feeding JD medicine, we always have to resort to trickery & distraction to force the concoction down her throat and usually only Ah Ma and myself are able to handle it. This time round, it's a breeze so Dw has volunteered to continue this job for the next 2 weeks.

Ah Ma is skeptical as we Asians believe that cold food is a no no for children. I guess we'll just have to let this medicine run its 2 weeks course then we'll know. In any case at $3.50 per dose, it had better work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bernice's fav medicine.. singulair !! hahhaa.. !! nothing like waking up in the morning and having ice cream !!! hahaha