Wednesday, 7 April 2010

The S90

I've finally gotten my hands on this last week. Thanks to Adrian, I think that I've gotten one of the best deals! $650 nett, at least it seems the lowest priced S90 that I've sourced for, and it was even delivered right to my doorstep! I'm taking huge pride in this purchase as this is the 1st camera that I followed through from beginning to end, from the legwork, to the purchase, to the experimentation. The free training though, I've given the honours to Dw to attend. I figured he probably needs it more than me .. *sniggles*..

Admittedly, this idea of getting a new camera stemmed from Dw. The last camera we had was way back in 2005 and the images are no longer as sharp as they used to be. Dw has been toying with the idea of getting a DSLR but I've always put a firm 'no' to it as I felt the money could be better spent elsewhere, given that neither of us were avid photographers.

But I guess the man has overruled the woman on this occasion and after incessant nagging from the man, I finally caved in and so off I went calling each & every of my friend who owns a DSLR for their comments. All of them owned either the Nikon xxx model or the Canon EOS 500. The price of the latter was steep and it was kinda scary to put away so much money on something which I was still skeptical of. Fortunately, Kerk Sheen knew exactly what I was thinking about and introduced me to the S90 - a point & shoot camera with almost the functionality of a DSLR but at half the price. Wow, I liked the sound of "pocket-sized". I just couldn't imagine myself lugging around a huge camera and a 11 kg baby at the same time!

After lots of research, this was it. Called Adrian and the rest is history. I'm blown away by the effects & how the photos turn out, given that I'm a total novice at this. If this works out well, or rather if I still love playing with this after a good amount of time, we may very well move on to a DSLR.

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