Tuesday, 6 April 2010

JD at 19 months

Oh my, another month has passed in the blick of an eye. Though it's only a difference of 30 / 31 days, the milestones grow exponentially. Mainly the area which I noticed a great improvement is her vocabulary. With the inclusion of "no no" in her vocabulary now, it's pretty much a pain to get her to co-operate.

Our conversations now circle around these:

Me: Jilliane, quiet time now
JD: No no

Me: Jilliane, time to sleep
JD: No no (followed by fake cries)

Me: Jilliane, you have had enough cookies. Please give the tupperware back to mommy
JD: No no (any attempt to take the box away from her will have her bouncing up & down with legs shaking vigourously which makes me suspect she's hit the terrible 2s stage of tantrum throwing)

Think you would have kinda gotten the picture huh... Otherwise I think this is a lovely age where she's old enough to understand and interact but yet not that old to rebel and turn the house upside down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha... pre terrible 2 !! Bernice too.