Thursday, 12 March 2009

Taxi driver's banter

Seetoh had just encountered a taxi driver who just wouldn't stop talking. She's similar to me, in the sense that we may be totally exhausted & just want a quiet ride to our destination but yet we don't have the heart to tell Uncle to hush hush.

Her encounter today was more of Q&A session rather than mere monologue. And I was posed the same questions the moment we met.

Q1: Which is noisier? Bread or coffee?

Q2: Apple told Orange not to cross the road. But Orange still crossed & was knocked down by the car. Why?

Q3: How many seconds are there in a year?

Q4: I am Russia. You are China. You & me have a fight. You win or I win?

I had a good laugh. It was a good lunch.

1 comment:

moninet said...

1) Bread - Bread Talk, Kopi Tiam

2) It was a Mandarin Orange which doesn't understand English

3) 12 - 2nd Jan, 2nd Feb, 2nd Mar & so on & so forth

4) U win, *wrong*, I win *wrong*. U give up? Good. Cos that means I WIN.

Cheers! Have a great day!