Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Separation anxiety
Funny, I had always thought kids are the ones who experience this. But recently, I'm starting to feel it.
I'm counting down to the days when I'm due to shift. This means that baby girl is going to have her own bedroom. I, the mummy, am starting to panic. The past few nights have been spent trying to convince Dw why baby girl should continue to sleep in the same room as us. Afterall, it's on the basis that we require more space for her cot that I managed to bargain for the master bedroom (thank you daddy & mummy! I love u!). Dw's still not budging. Of course, why should he? Afterall it's not him who has to wake up in the middle of the night to sprint to the next room to attend to baby girl's cries. Hmmph.
I can't bear the thought of sleeping apart from baby girl after being with her every night for almost 7 months. I will continue to endeavor to persuade Dw to relent. Dw, do u love me? do u, do u, do u?? If u do, LET ME HAVE MY WAY!!!