Monday, 30 March 2009

Moving House

Whole weekend was burnt packing & unpacking. I swear I will never want to shift ever again. The last time I moved house was when I was 5 years old. But like any other 5 year old kid, I didn't have much of a chance to participate in the moving activities. I was brought to either Aunty Betty or Aunty Wendy's place to play with my cousins whilst my parents toiled to turn our Bedok Reservoir house into a home. As such, all memories then were only sweet memories.

This time round it's very different. Being a 30 year old or thereabouts woman with a baby, I have to pack & clean whether I liked it or not. And, I definitely do not like it. If they ever want to shuff an en-bloc deal down my throat later on, I know for sure I will not budge (unless the $$ offered is incredibly disgusting) as it's really no joking matter having to move the entire household from one place to another. Apart from that, there is the scrubbing & re-scrubbing to be done. Why doesn't the floor just get any cleaner?

Thursday, 19 March 2009

1st teeth

We could see the shape of Jilliane's growing teeth from abt 5 months, along her bottom gums. It was only about 2 weeks back when they started to sprout and now there are 2 little, cute jagged edges emerging.

I do not know if this is the cause of her hourly awakenings at night now. If it is, poor little baby girl must be in distress, but poor mommy & daddy are also zombified.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Taxi driver's banter

Seetoh had just encountered a taxi driver who just wouldn't stop talking. She's similar to me, in the sense that we may be totally exhausted & just want a quiet ride to our destination but yet we don't have the heart to tell Uncle to hush hush.

Her encounter today was more of Q&A session rather than mere monologue. And I was posed the same questions the moment we met.

Q1: Which is noisier? Bread or coffee?

Q2: Apple told Orange not to cross the road. But Orange still crossed & was knocked down by the car. Why?

Q3: How many seconds are there in a year?

Q4: I am Russia. You are China. You & me have a fight. You win or I win?

I had a good laugh. It was a good lunch.

My lastest Fantasy

I've been fantasizing recently, so much so that I actually forgot to alight at Capitol Building to change bus. I took the bus all the way to Selegie then realised that my destination was not in sight, alighted and walked all the way back to Winsland House.

Object of fantasy:

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Separation anxiety

Funny, I had always thought kids are the ones who experience this. But recently, I'm starting to feel it.

I'm counting down to the days when I'm due to shift. This means that baby girl is going to have her own bedroom. I, the mummy, am starting to panic. The past few nights have been spent trying to convince Dw why baby girl should continue to sleep in the same room as us. Afterall, it's on the basis that we require more space for her cot that I managed to bargain for the master bedroom (thank you daddy & mummy! I love u!). Dw's still not budging. Of course, why should he? Afterall it's not him who has to wake up in the middle of the night to sprint to the next room to attend to baby girl's cries. Hmmph.

I can't bear the thought of sleeping apart from baby girl after being with her every night for almost 7 months. I will continue to endeavor to persuade Dw to relent. Dw, do u love me? do u, do u, do u?? If u do, LET ME HAVE MY WAY!!!

Monday, 2 March 2009


We think baby girl has started to recognise people, as of yesterday. It's not totally confirmed yet, we will continue to test.. sounds like a lab experiment. haha.

Incident 1 - At Om.
Ah Ma had to look at furniture & negotiate price with the salesperson so wanted to pass her to Daddy to carry. When she realised she was going to be passed, she clung onto her more tightly and went eh eh eh. But she was cool about Mommy taking over.

Incident 2 - At home
Mommy had to bathe so tried to pass her to Daddy to carry. She turned away immediately.

Incident 3 - At home today
Ah Ma tried to pass her to Ah Kong. "WAAAHHHH".. need we say more?

a rare moment: Daddy-Daughter bonding :)