Saturday, 12 January 2013

Hà Nội

We survived the 1st trip we had ever taken on our own - just the 4 of us! It was strenuous & draining. Will we ever do it again? I say AYE!!! But I'm not sure if Dw will wanna do one so soon. He says wait till didi is older. Jill was generally ok as usual. But when put her & didi together, it's just double the dose of hell.

This boy cannot remain still, we can't even bribe him with money! Give him a dollar note to play with and he swanks it away. Food works for that split second, he chomps it and off he goes again. There's no stopping him. So yes, we ran round the plane, we ran round restaurants, we ran round hotels. He even went so far to try knocking on hotel doors. I caught him just as he made his 1st knock and I scrambled as far as I could. Sorry mate, yes that was my son :(

But as tiring as it was, I want to choose to see the positive side of things, now being the New Year and all. It was good fun bonding with the 2 of them, with no help from the maid nor grandparents. We did everything ourselves, clearing the poop, coping with the outbursts, feeding. It has been sometime since we were so hands on and it was fun for me cos dw & I did them together and I felt so proud of the man I married.

Around our hotel... (2nd photo was taken by Jill!)

The lovely Bach & Hoa from Hanoi Kids, who brought us round... & Hoa was just simply great with Jill! Thanks so much & we wish you both all the best in your studies & career!

The cheeky one who kept peeking out from the curtains on the plane

Egg coffee @ Giang Cafe, down a dingy alley which I would never have been able to find on my own, thnks Bach for a great coffee find!

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