Friday, 16 September 2011

What changes when you have a baby?

Came across these points in an article on Babycentre's website...

1. You finally stop to smell the roses, because your baby is in your arms.
W: Er, not exactly smell. I'm still not a fan of flowers but yeah, I do stop when I see flowers, but mainly is to educate Jilliane on flower types & colours.

2. Where you once believed you were fearless, you now find yourself afraid.
W: Oh yes!! Before, I would have ridden Gladiator without thinking twice. Now, I won't even ride it even if you paid me a 1000 bucks. What if it collapsed & I died & my kid won't have a mom to take care of them!!!

3. The sacrifices you thought you made to have a child no longer seem like sacrifices.
W: Hmm... nah, I still regard my lack of zzz & lack of me time as sacrifices.

4. You respect your body ... finally.
W: HUH??

5. You respect your parents and love them in a new way.
W: Oh yes, it's tough being a parent. Can just imagine all my shit mine had to put up with. But then again, it's a mutual thing..

6. You find that your baby's pain feels much worse than your own.
W: I definitely can vouch for this. I will never forget the day that Jilliane was hospitalised at 2 months for viral meningitis and she had to have a lumbar puncture as well as the antibiotic drip inserted via her foot. Man, I was in pain too. My heart broke.

7. You believe once again in the things you believed in as a child.
W: Haha, suddenly I'm once again excited by the appearance of Strawberry Shortcake & Noddy!

8. You lose touch with the people in your life whom you should have banished years ago.
W: Yes, but I shan't elaborate on this. Sensitive topic.

9. Your heart breaks much more easily.
W: Only if it concerns my little one.

10. You think of someone else 234,836,178,976 times a day.
W: Referring to the little one I'm assuming.

11. Every day is a surprise.
W: Er... maybe baby days, when we were amazed by simple things like flipping, pulling oneself up etc. But as days grow, expectations too. New single word vocabulary no longer surprises me. It's gotta be alot more & these certainly do not occur daily.

12. Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please you. (Hooray for poop!)
W: They don't repulse me but I'm still not thrilled by the sight of poop, other than if my little one has been having constipation and finally all came out. But then again, I would be thrilled myself if I finally pooped after a week's constipation :P

13. You look at your baby in the mirror instead of yourself.
W: As a new mom who wanted to do everything right, I certainly neglected myself at the beginning. But slowly I started to learn that I needed to take care of myself too & I didn't want to be labelled as a frumpy, grumpy, ugly mommy so I once again took care of myself, clothes, make up etc. That's something really important.

14. You become a morning person.
W: This one chop confirm stamp. Especially when my little one wakes up at 6am on a Saturday morning... I'm like WTF! When she's up, she insists we all get up too :(

15. Your love becomes limitless, a superhuman power.
W: Yeah, I shower her with hugs & kisses every single day. Many many of them. And I tell her how much I love her every single day.


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