Monday, 3 January 2011

Ice Age

Moninet calls the French high comm.

Moninet: hi, I would like to ask about Filipinos requiring a visa to France. Could you transfer me to the right person for me to speak to please?

Staff: sorry they do not answer the phone.

Moninet: how about an email address pls?

Staff: sorry they do not reply emails.

Moninet: then how can I find out more about the visa issue?

Staff: you need to come down personally to ask us any questions. We are open till 12 on xx days (or some weird timing which I can't really remember but definitely within the half day range & definitely less than the 5 work day norm)

Moninet: but I'm not applying for a visa yet. I would just like to find out more info like the fees etc. Can't someone just speak to me over the phone?

Staff: no, they don't answer calls & they don't reply emails.

Cork man, are they still living in the Ice Age or what?!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is soooo irritating !!!! Ask the pinoy embassy instead. maybe they will know