Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Temasek Review

The passing of Mrs LKY has renewed my interest in the Temasek Review.. It is to my disgust when I read some of the comments. It's disheartening to know I have fellow Singaporeans who can rant so proudly their snide remarks on this sad occasion. But then again I suppose it's only with presence of such shallow people that allows the mediocre to shine.. Such a sad fact..


Cons said...

Hey girl,
I know what you mean about TR. I started off enjoying reading their views too, then slowly I realised they take every single opportunity to slam the govt whether it makes sense or no. Too extreme, sometimes they go way overboard.

moninet said...

Yes Cons, i'm glad to have found someone who understands my concerns. these people are opposing merely for the sake of it w/o any substance! It makes me worry if Sg will end up in the hands of such!