Wednesday, 11 November 2009


Baby girl broke my pair of glasses recently. I feel sad cos this pair has been with me for years! I just needed to change the lenses whenever my degree shifts. But on other hand, I'm glad to finally have a good reason to get new pair of glasses.

Since I hit 20, I've always thought myself lucky that my degree stopped increasing. Someone told me that's because I've stopped growing. Ok, that sort of makes sense.

Somehow when I reached into my late twenties, my degree began to drop. For the past years, it continued to drop steadily. Yesterday, I tested my eyes and now it's R 125, L 200. I can even do away with astigmatism in my lens. I was secretly smiling to myself, happy that perhaps one day perfect eyesight will come back to me without having to do any lasik. Can't bear the thought of being awake whilst my eyes are being cut open.

Alas, my happiness was shortlived. Just as I was about to step out of the shop, the optician told me that at my age, my degree should be stabilised. Contrary, degree dropping is an early symptom of impending 老花眼. Oh my! I went into panic mode. What should I do to combat this? She says take many breaks when using the computer, I should always put on glasses when using the computer (the multi-coated lens apparently do make a difference) and to take many breaks and to look at more greenery.

Age IS catching up.


fong said...

i suspect i already have it :(

moninet said...

you ARE aging with me!!! heee