Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Jilliane at 9 months

She has just turned 9 months. She babbles non-stop, she enjoys dropping things from her highchair and she fiercely objects when someone takes "her" handphone away from her. The best part is, after all the noise making sessions that somethings leave tingling sensations in our eardrums and after all the physical exercise she puts us through, she will show us her toothy, cheeky grins which will inevitably melt our hearts.

At the same time, she has suddenly developed stranger anxiety over the weekend and will cry when people carry her. She's relatively friendly in church, she will stand on the pew and stare and babble with the congregation behind. But the moment anyone tries to carry her other than mommy and ah ma, her infamous 扁嘴 will appear, following by the usual deafening crying.

Coincidentally, I received an email from Babycentre yesterday regarding this:
if your baby seems more clingy than usual, she's probably feeling separation anxiety - perfectly normal for a nine month old. It's really a good sign, showing that she's now able to distinguish between the familiar and the unfamiliar. She may refuse to open her arms to other adults, even ones she knows, and she may find bedtime distressing because it separates her from mum and dad. Separation anxiety usually peaks between 10 and 18 months and then gradually fades. With extra cuddling and reassurance from you, she'll get through this stage and back to her social self.

A good excuse to pamper my baby girl with more hugs & kisses! :)

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