FTWM - full time working mom.
For the 1st time, I finally experienced what it feels like. This is my 4th day and I can't help but think of my past carefree days when I could afford to laze an extra minute in bed. My schedule is pretty much fixed. It starts at 6am everyday and depending on THE empress dowager, it's either I start off my day by feeding her or start off by washing & sterilizing the bottles from the midnight feeds.
Life has more or less been a routine since the arrival of Jilliane. Early awakenings, interrupted sleeps, diaper changing, cleaning bottles, feeding every 3 hours. Sometimes I wished I had a maid to whom I could throw these tasks too but usually after such a thought, I will feel guilty and quickly brush it off. These are all part & parcel of motherhood and nothing will mean more to me than knowing that I was there for her throughout the bad and the good.
I had a lunch session today with a single, 40+ yr old female and she began lunch by criticizing me. First she commented how fat I am, then she focussed on my slight paunch, then it went onto how aged I look now and that I can no longer have a life, travelling & going places. As if that was not enough, she said I will never be pretty again. I was offended but I bravely told her that I am enjoying myself with my daughter and I am contemplating making a trip overseas with her soon. In fact I had just checked SQ's website before lunch and it costs $32 for her to fly to KL. On top of that, I'm also toying the idea of having a 2nd one soon. She must have been shocked at my response, given her look of disbelief and told me sarcastically to take care & to call her if I ever need help to discipline my daughter. Is she mad from the lack of men in her life or what? I really wonder. And the biggest irony, I think her butt is bigger than mine despite not having gone through any delivery at all, except perhaps for the delivery of shit from her asshole.
Come on, I don't look all that bad right? I think if I were to head to Zouk tonight, I'm sure I will still have my fair share of admirers. Hmmph! *Thick-skinned Moninet* Whahahaha!
Wah, why she so mean? Singlehood doesn't guarantee small asses or youthful looks.
thnks mo! u're single (thou not for long!) & u look good & u're young! younger than me!!!
i wouldn't place my money on the zouk bet! LOL but you are still very prettie..
and why you keep meeting nasty pple? u weird magnet
hahahha... think cos i'm usu v pc.. mebbe one of my resolutions for 2009 shld b to b frank & tell idiots to F off :P
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