Tuesday, 8 July 2008

I now weigh..

Yes.. that's my weight now at 31 1/2 weeks. Dr Fong's gonna nag at me at my next visit in a week's time. I have put on way too much weight.

It's quite confusing really. Some people told me that my weight gain so far has been fine, as they themselves have put on much more, but yet, from a doctor's point of view, it exceeds the 2kg per month standard. In fact, I was only allowed 1.5kg extra for this month so of course, it's obvious I've been disobedient. Somehow the cakes, ice cream & donuts just couldn't stay away from my hands & mouth! Or should it be the other way round... :{

On one hand, I felt a little sad when my weight crossed the 60 mark, but on the other hand, I didn't feel that guilty gorging myself with those sinful, high fat desserts. Maybe I have been blindly comforting myself by thinking that these foods are good, as they are calcium rich & anyway I'm pregnant and nutritionists always say, NEVER diet when you're pregnant! I'll probably regret all these silly thoughts after JD is out & realise I'm not able to revert to my pre-pregnancy size. Will that happen? I just read an article yesterday about how difficult it is to rid oneself of the storage fats that one accumulates when pregnant. Which is why, women just put on more weight with each pregnancy. Yet, these storage fats are essential to provide the necessary nutrients for a healthy foetus.

I'm just thinking.. the sacrifices that we women make...

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