Monday, 28 July 2008

Excruciating pain

It's starting to hurt badly. I'm now using one hand to type & I'm almost close to tears.

This time round, I really feel totally helpless. Why must this happen to me at this time where nothing can be done to alleviate the pain? Am I that "suay"? I'm so tempted to go for a c-sect now so I can quickly have the steriods injected. 1 month more is like such a long time away... isn't there anything that can be done? :**(

Sunday, 27 July 2008

Trigger Fingers

It's official. Doctor has diagnosed my condition as trigger fingers. However as I'm now preggie, it's not wise for him to inject the steriod at the bottom of my middle finger. The only thing I can do now is to do finger exercises daily, ie to open my hands to force all the fingers to straighten and clench my fist repeatedly 2o times, one set when I wake up & one set before I sleep. In any case, the steriod injections can only be a maximum of 3 times in one lifetime, if the 3 jabs do not work, the last option will be an operation to cut off the tendon.

I thought trigger fingers will only hit adults like after 50 yrs old, those who do manual work. Apparently this is a myth. The doctor cautioned me against wringing clothes dry after hand wash, I should just let the clothes drip dry (Guilty - have been busy washing JD's clothes) and carry bags using fingers' strength instead of the palm (Guilty once again). Well friends, take care whilst you still can. Don't stinge on a washing machine!

Saturday, 26 July 2008

Left fingers are stuck!

I dunno what's going on but I'm worried. My index, middle & ring fingers snap whenever I try to straighten them so I've to keep them perpetually bent. The worst is my middle finger. It started on Friday and it seems to have gotten bad over the night, despite me applying the heat rub & tightening the area with plaster. The only relief is that it doesn't hurt. But sometimes, no pain may not necessarily be good news.

I'm scared it could be carpal tunnel syndrome or trigger fingers. I hope not and also hope it's not anything else worse but rather, something just temporary. My fingers are not as swollen as some other preggers so I'm not too sure if this is due to water retention.

Dw will be off for a week from tomorrow. I dread the days when I'll be alone. He's been a true pillar of support for the past 8 months and now that due date is drawing nearer and more health "problems" seem to be cropping up, I won't be surprised to feel insecure & restless if he's not around.

Think I will see the doctor 1st thing tomorrow morning, get this worry out of mind before I'm left alone to face it myself when night falls.

Thursday, 17 July 2008


I've been busy cleaning & packing up my room, busy washing JD's clothes, busy wiping off the dust on my furniture at home. They call this nesting, cleaning as though your mother in law is coming over for a visit.

Apparently this is a common behaviour of mothers who are nearing delivery of their babies. There doesn't seem to be a scientific reason to explain this, perhaps it's nature's way of training mtb for the arrival of the little one.

It's amazing how I did not feel compelled to do these chores. Unlike CNY's spring cleaning when my mom has to constantly nag at me to clean up my room, I was on auto pilot mode this time round! It can be akin to how some people can strangely find the pain of tattooing addictive. Nesting seems highly addictive too. Once I started, it was hard to stop. Probably the only reason that made me stop was because I was getting breathless with all the bending & squatting. Btw, the washing machine is out of order so the clothes were handwashed all the way.
I've set aside a little space in my existing wardrobe for JD, doesn't seem sufficient, just look at the amount of clothes that she has for just the 1st 6 months of her life!

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Speeds up, with new ERP gantries: LTA - 9 July 2008

Just wondering.. what were the 1st thoughts that swept across your mind when you saw this headline?

For me, I was insulted. Deeply insulted. Did LTA think I was an idiot? Any person with the most minimal brain cells can tell you that. It doesn't take a team of civil servants to do any checks or survey after the implementation. I could even have told LTA that before 7 July 2008 and made a bet of a million bucks. But of course if there was really a bet in place, I'm pretty sure the speeds would have been skewed to such that the erection of the new gantries resulted in loss of speed as the million bucks which is guaranteed to be lost would be much more than the revenue collected.

Couldn't LTA do a more meaningful research, such as surveying the outlying areas & study how traffic & lifestyles overall were affected and produce to us information that is more useful. Afterall we don't pay taxes for nothing. But then again, on 2nd thought, would I really want to read a report which will most likely be full of cover ups or excuses. Nah, forget it, save the efforts, don't waste our taxpayers' money.

Bewildered AND disillusioned.

On a lighter side, received this picture via email yesterday, for sharing, just for laughs.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

I now weigh..

Yes.. that's my weight now at 31 1/2 weeks. Dr Fong's gonna nag at me at my next visit in a week's time. I have put on way too much weight.

It's quite confusing really. Some people told me that my weight gain so far has been fine, as they themselves have put on much more, but yet, from a doctor's point of view, it exceeds the 2kg per month standard. In fact, I was only allowed 1.5kg extra for this month so of course, it's obvious I've been disobedient. Somehow the cakes, ice cream & donuts just couldn't stay away from my hands & mouth! Or should it be the other way round... :{

On one hand, I felt a little sad when my weight crossed the 60 mark, but on the other hand, I didn't feel that guilty gorging myself with those sinful, high fat desserts. Maybe I have been blindly comforting myself by thinking that these foods are good, as they are calcium rich & anyway I'm pregnant and nutritionists always say, NEVER diet when you're pregnant! I'll probably regret all these silly thoughts after JD is out & realise I'm not able to revert to my pre-pregnancy size. Will that happen? I just read an article yesterday about how difficult it is to rid oneself of the storage fats that one accumulates when pregnant. Which is why, women just put on more weight with each pregnancy. Yet, these storage fats are essential to provide the necessary nutrients for a healthy foetus.

I'm just thinking.. the sacrifices that we women make...

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Why the change in traffic lights timing?

Has any one who has been driving down from Upper Thomson, past Marymount Road towards Novena before 30 June 2008 in the morning felt that the timing of traffic lights has been changed at the junction of Marymount Road & Thomson Road?

I feel that it has and if that is true, I wouldn't be surprised if it's probably another attempt to try to create congestion for a legitimate excuse to either set up a new gantry or to up the 7.30am ERP rates at Thomson. Another probability is to force people to hit the other 8am ERPs down the road. To avoid this, people can only leave the house earlier. And when this happens, ERP will start even earlier. A vicious cycle, like what the papers always say. Prior to this change, traffic was smooth, no jam whatsoever. I've always been a fair person. If traffic is really heavy and action needs to be taken, so be it. But it's a different story if someone tries to create havoc when there's none. That is despicable.

Anyone with common sense will know that by deliberately shortening the time of the green light at at the junction in front of 7th day Adventist Community Ch will only serve to create a tailback all the way to Thomson Road. The cars coming from Marymount & Upper Thomson will all cross their respective traffic light junction and converge into a short road and are restricted from moving forward because of another traffic light. This may sound confusing. You probably need to be there to know what I'm referring to.

In short, the "brains" ain't that brainy afterall. You know who you are. You are a shame. Try harder, you may fool your subordinates but you can't fool me. The next sheduled change for the ERP rates are on 8 November. Let's see..