Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Online Shopping

I never realised how addictive shopping online is till I actually did one myself. It's scary when everything you see is just so cute & pretty & more often than not, they're cheaper than what you can get in the shops itself. Otherwise, it's something which you can't get locally. I used to diss this idea in the past. Pam was nuts about online shopping whilst I couldn't get the hang of it. To me, it was like, why shop online when I can go the shops to see & feel for myself before parting with my money. Well, I still don't purchase my clothes online. I'm not exactly the slimest of people so sizing may be questionable. But that certainly doesn't apply to baby items & adult items that do not require any fitting.

It came to a point when I just had to tell myself, STOP, the bank account is depleting at an amazing speed. So I stopped. But the abstinence lasts for at most a couple of days before I hit the websites again. This time round, I'm smarter. Just a little. I will write down all my intended purchases in my trusty little notebook with the prices. Over the next few days, I will constantly review the list, striking off what I do not need. This helps, as being the fickle person I am, eventually the desire to buy a particular item will wane as each day passes.

My 1st online purchase was thru e-bay. I was searching high & low for nice wall decals for JD's room but the ones I've come across just didn't hit the right note with me. After searching online, I finally managed to find this set which was only sold in Australia. Well, made that all important call to Pam to help buy it as I didn't have a paypal account. And

that's how it all began..

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