Saturday, 7 July 2007

Weddings - Specially dedicated to Jasmine & Dale, Alan & Sophrine, Angela & Brian, Pam & Kenji

Today is 7 July 2007. It's Live Earth day, but just as significantly, it's the day when many couples all around the world are getting married. It has been reported that 777 couples are registered today alone in Singapore. Funny though, out of these 777 couples (which makes 1554 people) none of them are my relatives nor friends. Nevertheless, last weekend was Meifen's wedding, Saturday was the church and Sunday was the dinner. I was excited about that day because I was happy for her and because I knew it would bring back beautiful memories for me as well.

I was never one of those girls who dreamt of donning a white wedding gown when I was little. (Possibly why I chose a blue/white gown eventually for myself about 29 years later) In fact as little girls, there have been giggly conversations on how old do we want to marry and what we envisage our weddings to be like. I could never bring myself to participate heartily in these conversations. I was never excited about weddings. I could not understand what the fuss was all about. Isn't it better to live with my parents for the rest of my life? Afterall, parents are the only ones who will ever love me unconditionally, well at least I know for mine.

Now, I'm all grown up. I'm excited about weddings, just as I was about mine. More and more friends are slowly walking down the aisle. I still remember when I called Angeline to ask her for Father Sitaram's tel no. (he was my JP btw & a very good one), she told me that I must enjoy my preparations as that was the best part of it all. She missed the fun she had. She married about 3 years before me. I was skeptical. How can that be possible? For me, the preps had just started and I was mighty cheesed off by how much there was to be done. Everyday was like war, war between DH and me, war between parents & me, war between my inner & outer soul, just to name a few.

When the wedding was finally over, I thought over what Angeline told me, and I realised what she meant. The actual day had gone by in a flash, and at the end of the day I was totally exhausted to ponder about what had happened. The video was the saving grace, if not for it, I would not have had the chance to recall events that happened. What I remember vividly though were the preparations which took place from the day I started searching for the venues, around July 2005, right up to the day before my wedding on 21 Oct 2006. The arguments with my DH, though extremely trying at times, ultimately brought us closer as we took this opportunity to know each other's likes & dislikes as well as each other's characters even better.

The fact that the day had gone on so well gave me pride in my step by step planning and knowing that I had friends who had so willingly sacrificed their time to help. On this point, I do also think that wedding is a good time to know who are your friends and who are not. There will be people who immediately accepted your invitation, or at least had the decency to tell you upfront that they can't make it. Yet there were some, who hemmed & hawed, unable to decide if they should attend. The worst of the lot, those who didn't turn up the day itself though they had said they would. Fortunately, these were less than a handful and I'm not sad to say that I've not spoken with them ever since. I'm better off without such people in my life.
To my friends who are preparing for their big day, I dedicate this entry to you, with the hope that you will put aside all stress & frustrations you are encountering with your preparations and focus on the joys derived throughout this process. Treasure these memories as they will never come by again.

1 comment:

Nomming Mommy said...

Hey babe! I formally take back what I said on Sat nite...your blog rawks! Seeing you in a different light, man - RESPECT! Kept your blog in my "bestest blogger" folder oredi :P